Clogged Pores on Breasts - What You Need to Know About Acne on your Chest

Clogged Pores on Breasts - What You Need to Know About Acne on your Chest

Having clogged pores on breasts can be more than a little frustrating, considering how unsightly blackheads and acne on boobs can be. And as much as white clogged pores under breast are largely considered harmless, it can be an antecedent for a couple of serious dermatological problems. Therefore, it is important to pay particular attention as soon as you notice clogged pores under breast and craft a skincare plan to prevent or get rid of the blackheads as soon as possible. Fortunately for you, this guide touches on the specifics of clogged pores between breasts and some of the things you can try to eliminate acne on your chest. Let's dig in, shall we?

Why do I Have Clogged Pores on my Breasts?

At this juncture, it is possible that you might be wondering, why do i have clogged pores on my breasts? The truth is that having white clogged pores on breasts is one of the precursors to blackheads. And acne, as you may be already aware, can be incredibly unsightly, itchy, and uncomfortable. So even if it is for purely cosmetic reasons, you may want to get to the bottom of having clogged pores on boobs as soon as possible.

Why do I Have Clogged Pores on my Breasts

For starters, having black clogged pores on breasts can be as a result of many things - one of them is that your pores could be plugged with debris including bacteria, dirt, dead skin, sweat and sebum. That grey or black color is not necessarily coming from dirt. It usually forms as a result of pore-clogging chaff being exposed to air. As such, the clogged pores on breast and the ensuing blackheads are a product of your genetic makeup, hormonal changes, and ofcourse, sebum.

That being said, it is possible that the clogged breast pores could be as a result of the skincare products that you are using in your daily grooming regimen. Comedogenic lotions, for instance, have been known to clog pores on chests thereby leading to not-so-pleasant looking breakouts and blackheads.

Otherwise, clogged pores on your chest could be as a result of the following.

1. Stress

As much as stress alone can be hardly responsible for clogged pores and, eventually, acne, it has been known to worsen existing breakouts, especially if you have sensitive skin. Dermatologists believe that stress triggers one's sebaceous glands to overproduce oil which could later on combine with debris to make for a nasty breakout. What's more, stress has also been known to cause these glands to go on overdrive, something that worsens the pimples and, ultimately, opens up a snowball effect that leads to even worse-looking pimples on your chest.


2. Diet

There's a 2015 study that links frequent consumption of certain types of foods to clogged pores and acne. This includes the likes of;

  • Refined carbohydrates and simple sugars
  • Trans fats
  • Saturated fats
  • Dairy and milk proteins

3. Medications

There are certain medications that make one incredibly susceptible to developing clogged pore on breast, especially if you happen to have sensitive skin. This includes the likes of thyroid hormones, corticosteroids, and a wide range of antibiotics. The good thing, however, is that once you have identified the treatment that is causing your chest to break out, just by stopping using the medication, your skin should begin to clear up.

4. Hormonal Fluctuations

There are changes in hormone levels that are known to contribute immensely to one having clogged pores between breasts. One of them is the kind of hormonal changes that occur in the lead to puberty and the ensuing years that follow. In addition, many women will experience clogged pores during and around their menstruation days. This peculiar observation can be traced back to the sporadic rise or fall of certain hormones such as estrogen and testosterone.

5. Exercise and Hygiene

According to leading skincare experts and dermatologists, having poor exercise hygiene can contribute to clogged pores and, ultimately, an acne breakout. One of the main reasons behind this is the fact that sweat can and will clog out your pores if you are not keen enough to wash it off after an intense or exerting session. And bearing in mind that breasts tend to have more active sweat glands than most parts of your body, then it is easy to see why blackheads have a particular affinity to ynour chest area.

How to Prevent Clogged Pores?

Naturally, if you are struggling with clogged pores on breast skin, you could be wondering what are some of the ways that one can use to keep plugged follicles at bay. Here's some of the best insights on how to prevent clogged pores and keep your chest looking flawless.

How to Prevent Clogged Pores
  • Avoid using pore-clogging and comedogenic lotions, sunscreen, and moisturizers
  • Stop wearing very tight clothing or unbreathable garments around your chest area as these do and can increase your chances of having clogged pores
  • Wash your undershirts and bras regularly to avoid worsening your acne
  • Steer clear of medications and treatment regimens that could be making your skin susceptible to breakouts
  • Engage in stress-relieving activities often to ward off depression and chronic sadness which could make your breakout worse

How to Get Rid of Clogged Pores on Breasts

Now, onto the most important section of this write-up; here are some useful pointers on how to get rid of clogged pores on breasts. The idea is to prioritize treating some of the pitfalls that would normally predispose you increasingly to acne breakouts. And this includes trying out the following.

1. Trying Acne Ointments and Creams

Thanks to the impressive strides that we have taken in dermatological medicine, there are now more than a couple OTC (over the counter) products and creams that one can use to get rid of clogged pores and acne on their breasts, chest and upper back. An excellent example of such a reliable solution is AENO's Acne Treatment Natural Cream which has been lauded as one of the best AHA-based exfoliators in the game.

Speaking of exfoliation, one of the most recommended ways of getting rid of clogged pores is by minimizing the chances of debris such as dead skin clogging up your follicles. That's where the importance of regular exfoliation comes in handy.

2. Using a Medicated Special Body Wash

If you have skin that is extra-ordinarily more likely to break out, washing using an OTC medicated body wash that contains special ingredients such as salicylic acid will do you a lot of good.

3. Wearing Breathable and Loose Clothing

Women who are prone to developing clogged pores between their breasts will be better served by wearing breathable and loose garments as opposed to tighter versions. Also, by washing your undershirts, vests and bras oftenly, you can reduce or avoid the frequency of the blackhead breakouts that are usually brought about by clogged pores. Remember that apart from making it hard for your skin to breath, the fabric of unreasonably tight clothing will irritate your skin and worsen your acne with time. Besides, broken and scratched skin tends to be more vulnerable to developing clogged pores.

Wearing Breathable and Loose Clothing

4. Cutting Back on Foods that Could be Causing your Skin to Breakout

Keep a comprehensive food journal and make a detailed note of severity and location of pimples whenever you eat a certain type of food. Then after identifying some of these dietary triggers, get rid of them progressively by replacing them with foods that don't contribute to having clogged pores on breasts.

In Closing

With the right application of OTC treatments, exercise and dietary hygiene, it is not that hard to reduce the severity or frequency of clogged pores under the breast. Most importantly, you will also be building up a formidable skincare routine that you can count on to keep the skin on the rest of your body clear and not just the chest area.

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