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Acne from a Pillowcase - Your Prevention and Treatment Options

Acne from a Pillowcase - Your Prevention and Treatment Options

It's estimated that we spend about a third of our lives in bed. As such, it is easy to see why the prospect of getting acne from pillowcase is raising eyebrows in almost all quarters. But even before blaming your bedding for the incessant pimples, rashes, or blackheads that never seem to go away, it is imperative to understand how to battle acne the right way. Heres' a quick premise to some of the ingredients that should form the crux of your pimple-fighting regimen.

1. Tea Tree Oil

Thanks to its incredible antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree oil is believed to be helpful in calming swelling and redness. If not for anything else, this usually alleviates the itch to scratch out inflamed patches which could potentially worsen your skin problems. It is not a surprise, therefore, that it features prominently in AENO's Organic Face Salve for Acne, Pimples, and Scars.

2. Salicyclic Acid

You are probably already aware that clogged pores are the catalyst for almost all acne-related problems you might ever encounter. That's the reason having an ingredient that unblocks and keeps your pores clear is paramount to stopping the progression of zits. AENO's Natural Face Cream for Acne incorporates this ingredient alongside other acne-fighting heavyweights such as vitamin E and aloe vera.

3. Vitamin A, B3 & B5

Sometimes, the only reason you could be having a hard time reigning in your problematic complexion is that your nutrition might be lacking a few crucial inputs. Specifically, this trio is believed to be central in overseeing the production of sebum while also building out your skin's physical infrastructure to ward off environmental vagaries such as pollution, strong sun rays, and toxins. You can get your daily dose by incorporating a supplement like AENO's Perfect Skin Pills in your nutrition routine.

Can Pillowcases Cause Acne?

That aside, it's possible at this juncture that you may be wondering, can pillowcases cause acne? The truth is that it's possible that your beloved pillowcase might be to blame for your neverending breakouts. Here's the thing; just like anything else that comes into close and regular contact with your face, pillowcases can house incredible amounts of oil and dirt. Which, as might imagine, can be transferred to your skin, therefore, precipitating an acne mechanica pillow dilemma. So, do pillows cause acne? Yes, they can, especially if not laundered and changed routinely.

Can Silk Pillowcases Cause Acne Even When Changed Regularly?

There are myths and misconceptions floating around that sometimes the type of pillowcase material can gravitate a bad case of skin breakouts. In other words, you may be wondering, do silk pillowcases cause acne even when regularly changed and laundered? What about satin pillowcases, can satin pillowcases cause acne? Let's take a close look, shall we?

For starters, it probably does not matter (as much) what your pillowcases are made of. In any case, it's what's lurking inside and on it, that's the biggest culprit as far as pimples go. You see, regardless of what your pillowcases' material is, it is dirty and laden with sweat, dirt, hair oil, and grime, it won't be long before you have a bad case of acne on your hands. Which, of course, leads us to another common query; can dirty pillowcases cause acne?

Can Dirty Pillowcases Cause Acne? We Think So!

There's probably no bigger culprit as far as breakouts go than a filthy pillowcase. The build-up of bacteria, oil, and dead skin that accumulates on an unchanged pillowcase is usually transferred to your face as you turn and toss at night. This can clog up your pores which is usually the first stage on the highway leading to a full-blown breakout.

In Closing - How to Prevent Acne From Pillow?

As expected, one of the talking points on how to prevent acne from pillow is simply changing your bedding regularly, if possible on a nightly basis. You'd be surprised by how much of a difference this can make in staving off pillow acne. Besides, changing pillowcase to stop acne is a good starting point when you are trying to get to the bottom of why your skin breaks out so often.

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